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Diet Plans

Everything on The Best and Hottest Diet Plans You Need to Know

08 Sep, 2020
By Andie Reeves
Want to lose weight but still looking for the best diet for you? With all the different types of diets out there, it’s not surprising that most of us struggle to figure out which is the best diet plan for our personal weight loss journey…

If you want a specific and structured eating plan that transforms you and your eating habits there are a ton of weight loss diets out there to choose from. So where to start? Low carb and high fat - or low carb and high protein? Does intermittent fasting work? Is the Mediterranean diet better than Paleo? Will the keto diet raise my cholesterol? Is the vegan diet healthy?

We review 9 of best weight loss diets that are the most popular in South Africa so you can choose which one is right for you and your lifestyle…

Intermittent Fasting

What’s the deal
This diet, which is more of an eating plan, works on the fact that when you deny your body of food (by fasting) it goes into a state of ‘ketosis’. This is when it doesn’t have food to burn for energy so it starts to burn your fat reserves instead. There are a few variations of intermittent fasting, all of which consist of periods of fasting and periods of eating:
  • The 5:2 Diet: Eat normally for five days, then eat just 500 calories a day for two days.
  • Leangains or 16/8 Fasting: Eat within an 8-hour window every day only. Most commonly people skip breakfast and eat between 12pm and 8pm, which is very doable.
  • Eat Stop Eat: Eat normally for five days and do a full fast for the other two days a week.
  • Warrior Diet: Fast for 20 hours a day and eat one big meal every night.

The pros
Fasting is not as hard as it sounds because it’s balanced with big eating sessions. A study showed that people following an intermittent fasting diet lost more body fat than another group over a period of 8 weeks. So it seems to really work for a lot of people. And it has a lot of health benefits too.

Also you can eat pretty much anything (within reason), making this the perfect diet for those who really love their food. Combining intermittent fasting with other diet plans like keto can also help accelerate weight loss.

The cons
Although the diet states that you can eat whatever you want during certain times, you still need to be mindful. If you’re a carb-junkie don’t use this as an excuse to eat two pizzas a day just because you’re intermittent fasting. Try to keep a relatively normal and well-balanced diet during your eating hours.

Keto Diet

What’s the deal
Like intermittent fasting the low carb high fat ketogenic diet aims to get your body into a state of ketosis. Your typical daily diet will consist of 70-75% fats, 20-25% protein and just 5% carbs. That amount of carbs is the equivalent to just one apple, so it’s extremely low-carb.

Because your body doesn’t have carbohydrates to burn for energy, it uses your fat reserves. Studies have shown this not only leads to weight loss but also lowers your cholesterol.

The pros
The weight-loss results are pretty undeniable; keto really works. Especially if you are starting as someone who is really overweight; people have reported losing 20kg over six months. The best bit is it doesn’t have to be forever. Once losing the weight you can go back to a normal (albeit super healthy) low-carb way of eating.

Keto has also been found to be better at preserving your muscle mass (so you only lose fat), as well as maintaining the number of calories you burn when at rest (your resting metabolic rate) which doesn’t always happen with other diets.

The cons
The diet is very restrictive so you’re about to become the person that no one wants to invite around for dinner. You can only eat healthy fats (like butter and avocado), meat and some vegetables (it’s a no to potatoes, but a yes to leafy greens). This makes a keto diet very hard for vegetarians.

There is also something called the ‘keto-flu’, which results in headache, pain and exhaustion due to dehydration. So it’s extra important to drink tons of water when following this diet.

Read More. Curious to Try the Keto Diet? All You Want to Know Explained

Banting Diet

What’s the deal
Thanks to Tim Noakes this is one of the most popular diets in South Africa (you can get his book here). This diet encourages you to eat only ‘whole’ foods i.e. nothing that has been processed. You will eat foods high in fat, medium in protein and pretty much steer clear of carbohydrates (another classic low carb high fat or LCHF diet).

The banting diet is easy to follow as it has a list of green foods (which you can eat an unlimited amount of, like leafy greens), orange foods (of which you should only have a few a day, like apples) and the red list (food to be avoided, like white bread).

The pros
Removing refined grains and artificial sweeteners is always a good thing and it also encourages you to eat a lot of vegetables. Another pro is it’s high in fats and protein, meaning you can technically stuff your face with cheese and delicious meats and not be breaking any rules, as long as you ditch the bread. It also does not rely on any calorie counting – but this doesn’t mean a licence to overeat.

The cons
A few of the foods listed as forbidden or only to be eaten in moderation, like beetroot or nuts, are actually really high in vitamins. There has been criticism surrounding the high-fat element of this diet, as the fats that are allowed and encouraged aren’t scientifically linked to weight-loss.

It has however been found that fats keep you feeling fuller for longer so you naturally eat less and so don’t have to count calories.

Mediterranean Diet

What’s the deal
This diet sounds almost too good to be true but numbers don’t lie. The thinking behind it comes from the fact that people in the Mediterranean region have better heart health, lower risk of cancer and slimmer waistlines than people in the USA and other areas. You will be able to eat a lot of food but it’s all fresh and there are no saturated or trans fats.

Studies show that the Mediterranean diet is more effective than a low-fat one in terms of weight loss. You are given a list of foods that are encouraged in certain portions, like lots of legumes, a moderate amount of things like cheese and eggs, and absolutely no processed food. Perhaps the best bit is that a glass of red wine a day is recommended too, along with regular exercise, which seems worth it for the wine.

The pros
People who swear by the Mediterranean way of eating say they have more energy, better sleep, less intense hunger pangs and their sugar and caffeine cravings totally disappear after a couple of days. Because there is so much you can eat on this diet it’s easy to switch it up; if you don’t feel like mushrooms for breakfast you can have yoghurt instead and won’t be “cheating” or going off-diet.

The cons
The amount of meals you can have are infinite, which can be daunting and time-consuming to plan. But if you’re a foodie then you’ll love this part of the diet (we feel a Pinterest board coming on). There are no rules, only guidelines, so if you struggle with discipline and have no basic knowledge of calories and exercising it might be hard to lose weight. Every ingredient you eat needs to be fresh, which means a few more trips to the shops and longer prep time (no microwave meals allowed).

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Vegan Diet

What’s the deal
Veganism is having a big moment; even Beyoncé and Meghan Markle have made the switch. Vegans don’t eat any meat (and yes, chicken and fish are meat) nor do they eat animal products like cheese, eggs or milk. Not only is veganism the logical choice for animal lovers but it’s also the most environmentally-friendly way to eat.

But simply turning vegan won’t make you lose weight; you need to make healthy choices. Instead of choosing foods like potatoes, rice and pasta you need to choose things like legumes, beans and chickpeas if you want to see results.

The pros
You will be getting loads of natural fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals once you go vegan so your immune system should get a boost too. Because you are having to put so much thought into what you can eat you’re more mindful of what goes on your plate, which leads to less overeating.

The cons
Some people’s bodies really crave meat. While a lot of people can cut it out and maintain healthy iron levels just by eating a lot of spinach, others can feel weak and exhausted without meat.

You also run the risk of low Vitamin B12, protein, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D, however this usually happens when people simply stop eating animal products without researching how they can replace the nutrients in a vegan-friendly way. Vegans can easily maintain their health by eating a balanced diet.


What’s the deal
This diet was developed to combat high blood pressure but researchers discovered that it helped with weight loss too and the DASH (that’s Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet was born.

It’s a lifestyle, not a short-term diet, and focuses on calorie restriction and increasing your fiber and protein in-take. You will eat lots of fruit and veg, lean proteins and wholegrains and steer clear of processed and sugary foods.

The pros
This diet has the stamp of approval from health boards, including the American Heart Association, so you know it’s good for you. It’s flexible in that you can choose the amount of calories you’d like to consume a day, ranging from 1200 to 3100. Eating only 1200 calories a day is quite extreme so you can slowly ease into it. There are a lot of recipes and eating plans available for free online and it requires no expensive or hard-to-find ingredients.

The cons
You will need to spend more time cooking and preparing meals as this doesn’t allow for any processed or pre-packaged food. This diet is primarily designed to improve your health, not weight loss, so you might not see drastic results instantly. But if you’re wanting to make a long-lasting healthy change to your lifestyle it’s a good and easy option to maintain choice.

Read More. 11 Science-Based Ways to Lose Weight Naturally Without Really Trying

Paleo Diet

What’s the deal
Also known as the caveman diet, the high protein and fibre rich Paleo diet aims to eat as our ancestors did. The thinking is that to combat the diseases of our time, like obesity and high cholesterol, we should revert back to eating like hunter-gatherer cavemen did.

This means no processed food, dairy or grains, and lots of grass-fed meat, raw nuts, fruit and vegetables. If you have trouble following diets that require counting calories or macronutrients, it can be a good choice as the guidelines are very simple, and it has been shown to work.

The pros
You won’t be eating anything with preservatives, chemicals or additives, which we could all stand to cut out. Because you are eating a lot of protein, fats and fibre you will feel fuller for longer and need to eat less. You will lose weight, mainly due to the extremely limited food selection you’re allowed to choose from. However, the general consensus is that paleo easier than many other diets to sustain in the longer term.

The cons
This diet is not for the faint-hearted; it’s hard. People have reported an exhausted and groggy feeling for the first few weeks, however afterwards you start to feel super energised and clear-headed. You could also experience the ‘low-carb flu’ for three to four weeks which you are at risk of when beginning any new diet that drastically cuts down your carb intake.

As it has a heavy emphasis on natural whole foods like grass fed beef, free-range eggs and organic vegetables, it can be pricy.

Atkins Diet

What’s the deal
The Atkins diet has certainly stood the test of time – it’s been around since the 1960’s – and even though it has gone through some mods over the decades, is still one of the most popular low carb high fat diets.

The best bit is that it has a variety of eating plans which you can choose depending upon your weight loss and even your health goals (it helps reduce blood glucose and blood pressure). The classic Atkins 20 programme has four stages starting off with the lowest carbs and finishing with a more carb relaxed lifestyle maintenance phase.

The pros
With such a wide variety of diet plans, you have the option to choose which one will suit you and your lifestyle the best, even if you’re vegetarian. As it’s less carb restrictive than keto and many other LCHF diets, it’s also one of the easiest to follow.

Studies have also found that it works better longer term than some other diets. And while you are encouraged to choose less processed foods, they are not restricted provided you stick to the macronutrient rules.

The cons
Even though you don’t have to count calories, you are required to count carbs, specifically net carbs (after subtracting fibre), and balance them between meals and snacks to keep your blood sugar level constant. You also need to follow recommended food lists closely to ensure that what you are eating remains compliant with the plan, which can be a little overwhelming.

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Gluten-Free Diet

What’s the deal
Gluten is the protein found in wheat, rye and barley i.e. all things delicious like bread, pasta and beer. It seems like half the world has declared themselves gluten-intolerant lately but only a small percentage of the population are actually allergic to wheat or have celiac disease. When these people eat gluten it results in bloating, diarrhea, cramps and more, so if you just feel a little bloated you’re probably not allergic to it.

The pros
Those who swear by a gluten-free diet say it helps you to lose weight, improve your skin and even clear your mind. It’s like doing a deep clean of your digestive system in that a lot of people find going gluten-free gets rid of bloating and any other digestive issues.

The cons
If you don’t have a gluten sensitivity then you probably won’t notice any changes to your gut health when there isn’t a scientifically-backed reason for you to cut it out. Some gluten-free products can cause you to put on weight as they are bulked up with potatoes so if you try this one be mindful of what you’re replacing your bread and pasta with.

Read More. Why You Are Feeling So Bloated (And How to Beat It)

What If Dieting is Not for You

And finally, if you’ve tried dieting before and it just didn’t work out, don’t beat yourself up about it. Not everyone’s personality is suited to having strict limitations and some of us simply don’t have the time or will-power needed to follow a diet through. Sometimes we just need to be told what to eat and what to avoid.

The best foods to eat if you’re trying to lose weight are salmon, avocado, brown rice, eggs, apples and broccoli, best prepared from scratch (processed foods include all sorts of baddies which jeopardise weight loss). And aside from the obvious culprits like junk food and sugar, these are the things you should avoid:
  • Fat-free and low-fat foods: They’re full of additives (and often added sugar), and studies show people end up eating way too much of them because they are allegedly fat-free.
  • Cheese: It’s been shown that a diet with a minimal cheese intake results in a flatter stomach.
  • Fizzy drinks and fruit juices: They contain so much sugar it’s shocking. Just drink water.
  • Margarine: It adds absolutely no nutritional value to your diet, meaning its just empty calories. Rather use butter.
  • Prepared sauces/dressings: These are full of hidden calories like sugar and starch, so if you want one in your salad it’s best to make it yourself with olive oil and vinegar.
  • White bread, flour, pasta and rice: These should be consumed in moderation, and if you are going to eat them then make sure they’re wholegrain.

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